Blog korisnika ljubicasta
jednom mnogo dragom kartaroshu | |
27 Mar 2007 16:53 | Idi na vrh |
Shape of My Heart
(Sting) He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesnt play for the money he wins He doesnt play for the respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But thats not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But thats not the shape of my heart Thats not the shape, the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you Youd maybe think there's something wrong Im not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who smile are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But thats not the shape of my heart Thats not the shape of my heart ![]() |
ravenheart | |
23 Mar 2007 17:05 | Idi na vrh |
Come to me, Ravenheart Messenger of evil Come to me. What's the news? Here I'm still left lonely You shadow of forgotten dreams You come to take away My hope on your black wings Of love & hate the singers tell But I feel more, more of both, More than heaven & hell. I take a bow to destiny. Now I have really learnt my part Once loving him, now hating love I've made mistakes, my Ravenheart Will I get back who I adore? Thus spoke the raven: nevermore. (xandria) kada si ti bio tamo, a ja mnogo daleko...kud god da krenem....pratili su me....gavran na grani drveta, na travi pored mene....gledali me, pricali mi, cuvali me.... znala sam da li si dobro ili ne....jednog dana kada ti je bilo neopisivo tesko, predamnom se nasao mladi gavran sa slomljenim krilom...znam da 'ptice ne placu', ovaj je plakao... volim ove crne, pa makar i zlosutne, pticurine. volim njihovu inteligenciju, ostrinu. zanimljivo je kako se igraju sa vukovima... ![]() |
aeronaut - san o letenju | |
19 Mar 2007 07:35 | Idi na vrh |
This is a story about chasing after the dream. Animation by: Nicholas Lombardo never, ever give up on a dream ![]() Change your thoughts, and you change your world |
... | |
04 Mar 2007 02:44 | Idi na vrh |
![]() - "I am" is the strongest creative statement in the universe. whatever you think, whatever you say after the words "i am" sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you. there is no other way the universe knows how to work. there is no other route it knows to take. the universe responds to "I am" as would a genie in a bottle. - enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you are being right now. - what you resist persists. what you look at disappears - to live your life without expectation, without the need for specific results, that is freedom (photo by me) |
konji... | |
23 Feb 2007 20:09 | Idi na vrh |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
arhetip | |
16 Feb 2007 15:35 | Idi na vrh |
![]() "Arhetip je Jungov hipotetički konstrukt koji označava sveopšti, nasleđeni okvir celokupnog iskustva. To su urođeni obrasci mišljenja, osećanja i delanja nastalih kao rezultat vekovima taloženog iskustva brojnih generacija predaka. U širem smislu, prvobitni model, prototip, prauzor ili pratip. Arhetip je osnovna strukturalna i dinamička jedinica kolektivnog nesvesnog. Može se proučavati preko svojih manifestacija na kolektivnom planu (u mitskim slikama i simbolima, religijskim dogmama, pesničkim slikama, ritualima itd.) i na individualnom (u snovima, vizijama, simptomima i parapsihološkim doživljajima). Najpoznatije arhetipske predstave su: Persona, Senka, Anima, Animus, Mana – ličnost i Sopstvo. Funkcija arhetipa je da pojedincu olakša snalaženje u životno važnim, kriznim situacijama." ![]() vrste arhetipova (spisak i objasnjenja su vrlo zanimljivi i raznovrsni). neki od spiskova: arhetip kao oblik pre oblika, misao pre misli, uzor i uzrok svih razlicitih svojih pojavnih oblika, pra-definicija svega postojeceg....kljuc za razumevanje nesvesnog, a samim tim i potpunu spoznaju sebe. svest je samo cuvar, vratar, kljuc vrata podsvesnog, pravo znanje i uvidi su tek tamo 'on the dark side of the moon', u sopstvenom mraku, nepoznatom. negde procitah da je uvek dobro ici upravo u onom pravcu od koga nas najvise hvata strah...a niceg strasnijeg od sopstvenih 'demona'.... igranje na temu arhetipova: ![]() |
za P. | |
14 Feb 2007 16:25 | Idi na vrh |
u nezaboravnom trenutku kad spoznas sebe izvan sebe, vidis sve postojece dimenzije, a srce sveta ti sapuce u uho jezikom za koji vise nisi se cudo....shvatas da ti jesi i nisi ti, shvatas da po potrebi i po zelji mozes da zivis ovaj sadasnji, ili neki ili bilo koji od mogucih ili vec prozivljenih zivota, shvatas da mozes da ih ili zivis ili da ih posmatras kao da si ti sam neko drugi, jer ti sam si svi i sve i samo ti, a mozes biti i bilo ko drugi. i sve razumes, sve mozes, sve zelis, sve imas i shvatas....i jasno ti je da su bol i radost isto, da su ljubav i mrznja isto, i da je u sustini sve dobro...ali sve, bas sve zaista jeste dobro, onakvo je kakvo treba da bude, sasvim neslucajno, prelepo, fenomenalno do nepodnosljivosti lepote takvog osecanja. i da, bas tako, jednostavno se prepustis, reka zivota je neumitna, nesavladiva, nepojmljivo mocna, zaplivas, zaronis i samo se pustis....
potpuno verovanje sili zivota je najvisa umetnost, uskladjivanje ritma svog bica sa njom dovodi do jedne cudne sveprozimajuce radosti svakog dela sopstvenog postojanja. ta radost i odusevljenje zivljenjem su nemerljivo jaci od bilo koje ’emocije’ nazvana ona pozitivnom ili negativnom....iz trenutka u trenutak, odusevljenje cudom koje je zivot i koje je biti ziv... |
najstarija ljubavna pesma na svetu | |
14 Feb 2007 10:05 | Idi na vrh |
tj. najstariji zapis koji je do sada nadjen:
Bridegroom, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet, Lion, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet. You have captivated me, Let me stand tremblingly before you. Bridegroom, I would be taken by you to the bedchamber, You have captivated me, Let me stand tremblingly before you. Lion, I would be taken by you to the bedchamber. Bridegroom, let me caress you, My precious caress is more savory than honey, In the bedchamber, honey-filled, Let me enjoy your goodly beauty, Lion, let me caress you, My precious caress is more savory than honey. Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me, Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies, My father, he will give you gifts. Your spirit, I know where to cheer your spirit, Bridegroom, sleep in our house until dawn, Your heart, I know where to gladden your heart, Lion, sleep in our house until dawn. You, because you love me, Give me pray of your caresses, My lord god, my lord protector, My Shu-Sin, who gladdens Enlil's heart, Give my pray of your caresses. Your place goodly as honey, pray lay your hand on it, Bring your hand over like a gishban-garment, Cup your hand over it like a gishban-sikin-garment. ![]() u slavu dana ljubavi, ali i u slavu ljubavi uopste..... |
iz "Wings of Desire", napokon :) | |
12 Feb 2007 09:44 | Idi na vrh |
za mene kultni film, jedan od apsolutno omiljenih, pisah vec o tome ponegde ovde. citat je sa samog kraja filma:
![]() 'now we are the times. not only the whole city, but the whole world is taking part in our decision. we two are more than just two. we personify something. we are sitting in people's plaza filled with people who all wish for what we wish for. we are deciding everyones game! there's no greater story than ours. that of a man and a woman. it will be a story of giants, invisible, transposable. a story of new ancestors.' 'i dreamt of a stranger - of my man only with whom could i be lonely, completely open, completely for him, welcome him completely into myself. encircle him with the labyrinth of shared happiness. i know it is you' (@black orchid, bila sam izgubila tu sveschicu, i kukala sam da nekako nadjem citat....i eto ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ono sto um zamisli... | |
30 Jan 2007 15:27 | Idi na vrh |
...ono sto oko vidi...ono sto dusa sanja....bitno je da bude sto vise maste, sto vise slobodnog 'letenja' kroz dimenzije....mastajte, sanajte, uzivajte, volite, placite, i jos jednom, mastajte....jer kolicina vidjenih, zamisljenih, izmisljenih i dozivljenih predela, dimenzija i osecanja, nivoa stanaja duse i uma tokom 'ovog' zivota najdirektnije utice na stanje duse posle 'smrti', na sposobnost sagledavanja smislova i odluku o tome sta i kako i gde dalje....
u tu svrhu, dodajem jos mrvicu lepote i fantazije: ![]() ![]() ![]() sa, autorka je na |