Nadam se da je OS: Windows XP i da će da pomogne:
In order to print from DOS in an offline environment like the stores, you will need to do a couple of things.
1) Install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter
a) In Control Panel, double click on Add Hardware.
b) Click Next
c) When the scan finishes, select "Yes, I have already connected the hardware"
d) Click Next
e) Scroll to the bottom of the list and select "Add a new hardware device"
Click Next
f) Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)"
g) Click Next
h) Select "Network Adapters"
i) Click Next
j) Select "Microsoft" under the Manufacturer list.
k) Select "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" in the Network Adapter list.
l) Click Next
m) Click Next
n) Click Finish
2) Configure the Adapter
a) The loopback adapter is a virtual network adapter and can be configured the same as a regular network card.
b) Set the adapter to have a static IP address such as
3) Share the printer.
a) I recommend you use a share name that you will remember. I used “Printer” in the new machines that are already deployed.
4) Capture the printer port.
a) NET USE LPT1: \\[Computer Name]\Printer /PERSISTENT:YES