Problem sa SATA HDD

Problem sa SATA HDD

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 39

Procitao sam sve teme, ali nisam nasao pomoc. Naime, kupio sam WD Caviar green, 1TB, 32MB SATA300. Imam plocu Asus A7N8X-delux, u kompu 2x 120Gb ATA Maxtor. Na jednom se nalazi Win XP SP3. Kad sam stavio SATA HDD bez jumpera uopste nije hteo da pokrene win, nego samo mi izlazi
"Press <Ctrl+s> or F4 to enter Raid Utility
Jedino pokrene win kad stavim jumpere na kombinaciju 3 i 4, a to mu je "Jumper pins 3 and 4 enables PUIS(Power Up in Standbay)", ali ne prepoznaje SATA HDD nigde (Disk managment, BIOS). Jel zna neko sta da radim?
p.s. nemam floppy

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  • akuci  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Aleksandar
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 2758
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Nisam stručan, ali mislim da ta ploča ne može da prepozna HD od 1TB zbog ograničenja BIOS-a.Dešava se to i na novijim pločama, ali kod njih redovno izlaze nove verzije BIOS-a koje to ispravljaju, a kod tebe se koliko sam upućen radi o Socket A ploči koja je već toliko zastarela da se za nju novi BIOS već odavno ne izdaje.

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 39

Napisano: 15 Nov 2009 2:08

Citat:Nisam stručan, ali mislim da ta ploča ne može da prepozna HD od 1TB zbog ograničenja BIOS-a.Dešava se to i na novijim pločama, ali kod njih redovno izlaze nove verzije BIOS-a koje to ispravljaju, a kod tebe se koliko sam upućen radi o Socket A ploči koja je već toliko zastarela da se za nju novi BIOS već odavno ne izdaje.

Ima opcija da se driver stavi na 5 i 6 i onda se HDD ponasa kao SATA I.

Jel ima jos neko neki savet?...

Dopuna: 16 Nov 2009 18:03

Ljudi resio sam problem....ako neko budeo imao isti problem evo resenja...

1) Grab a blank floppy, and a computer running Windows with a floppy drive.
2) Download (A7N8X-E Deluxe Latest BIOS, from Asus), AWDFLASH (Also from Asus), the latest Silicon Image SATARAID BIOS (from Silicon Image), and CBROM 2.15 (Alternative CBROM 2.15 download link)
3) Extract all the contents of everything into an easily accessible folder, preferably something like C:\bios
4) Make sure you have no other folders in this new folder. Everything must be within C:\bios, so for example there shouldn't be anything in C:\bios\BIO-003112\

5) Open a command prompt (Start -> Run, type "cmd" and hit enter, without the quotes)
6) Navigate to the folder you just created using the command "cd" (For example, if you used the folder I suggested above, you would type "cd C:\bios", without the quotes, and hit enter)
7) Now type "cbrom215 c18e1013.bin /pci 4284.bin" without quotes, and hit enter. This will take the latest BIOS for your motherboard, and merge the new SATARAID BIOS into it.
Cool To make sure everything went correctly, type "cbrom215 c18e1013.bin /D". This will show a list of the modules in the BIOS. At the bottom should be a line with PCI(A), and should have "4284.bin" at the right end of that line.

9) Now put the blank floppy into the computer with the floppy drive.
10) Open My Computer, right click on the floppy drive (probably A, and select "Format"
11) The formatting window should pop up. Check the box labeled "Create an MS-DOS startup disc" (which should disable all the other options), and click Start.
12) Click OK and close the format utility when the process completes.
13) Copy the modified BIOS file c18e1013.bin and the file AWDFLASH.EXE to the floppy disc (simply a drag and drop).

14) Close everything on the computer with the A7N8X-E Deluxe motherboard and reboot it. Make sure the computer is set to boot to the floppy drive, and that you have put the floppy in the drive.
15) Type the command "awdflash c18e1013.bin /py /sn" once you get to the "A:" prompt.
16) Press enter to confirm that you wish to overwrite the current BIOS.
17) Wait.
1Cool Once it says it is complete, remove the floppy, press F1 (as instructed), then reboot the machine (which should happen automatically once you press F1). Now the computer should detect the 1TB drive upon booting.

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