Flock [web browser]


Flock [web browser]

  • Pridružio: 16 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 269
  • Gde živiš: Šabac

To je greška kod njih, ja imam Flock za Windows, baziran je na Firefox-u, a na Linuxu imam FLock koji je baziran na Firefox, znači ovaj najnoviji nema šanse da je na, to je neka greška kod njih u obavešetenju. Uostalom, ko prevuče, može da pogleda njegov user-agent pa da kaže.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

Flock Browser 1.0.8


Dopuna: 12 Mar 2008 15:45

Flock 1.1

* Flock 1.1 has integrated popular webmail services Yahoo! Mail and Gmail.
* The Picasa photo service has been added.
* In addition to more flexibility, MyWorld has been enhanced with new Friend Activity feature for a centralized place to stay in touch with all your friends activities.
* Several performance and stability enhancements have been implemented and several memory leaks have been fixed.

Download: http://www.flock.com/get-ready-to-flock

Dopuna: 06 Jul 2008 15:55

Flock 1.2.3

New Flock Updates in 1.2.3

* Incorporated Mozilla's patch for Firefox.
* Several fixes for a better Digg experience
* Several fixes for sharing media with Yahoo! Mail.
* A fix for the Media Magic bar and YouTube videos.
* A character encoding fix for importing Favorits.
* A fix for displaying the YouTube avatar.

Download: http://www.flock.com/

Dopuna: 23 Jul 2008 15:32

Flock 1.2.4

* Incorporated Mozilla's patch for Firefox.
* Better apostrophe encoding in status messages.
* A fix for YouTube logout detection.
* Turned on a_dult filtering for Truveo.

Download: http://www.flock.com/download

Dopuna: 29 Avg 2008 19:22

Flock 1.2.5

New Flock Updates in 1.2.5

* Users of the New Facebook pages can now set their status in the People Sidebar.
* Drag and drop behavior to Facebook Wall posts in New Facebook pages is corrected.
* Twitter Mecard Status and Friend status’ in the People sidebar will now be up-to-date with the Twitter site.
* The media bar will now properly display mini views for Youtube search results.
* The media detection icon beside the URL bar will now function properly for detected Picasa media streams.

Download: http://www.flock.com/download

Dopuna: 15 Okt 2008 19:31

Flock 2.0

Less than a year after the initial release of Flock 1.0, we are proud to release Flock 2.0. Flock 2.0 has been through three beta cycles, enjoyed tremendous feedback from our community of users and is a significant step forward in capability and quality. And, this final release of Flock 2.0 has some great new capabilities that have not been made available in any prior 2.0 beta release. Let me take a moment to tell you what to expect in Flock 2.0.

Flock 2.0 is built on the latest Firefox 3 technology from Mozilla, so you’ll find it to be snappy, safe and easier to use. Flock 2.0 also comes with some great new features not found in any other browser today.

First of all, we’re very pleased to announce that we’ve added MySpace as a major new addition to our suite of 23 other popular services integrated within Flock. MySpace was the #1 most requested service from our community. Now MySpace lovers can stay up to date with their MySpace friends and activities no matter where they are on the web. MySpace users will also find that Flock offers the easiest way to upload photos, insert photos and videos in MySpace comment fields and share most any web content by simply dragging and dropping it into the Flock People sidebar.

Flock 2 also incorporates Media RSS (MRSS) detection capability so that you can subscribe to media streams being made available by websites, even if the site isn’t one of the 23 integrated with Flock. Once you’ve subscribed to a media stream via Media RSS, you will be notified about the arrival of new photos and videos posted by your favorite sites and they will flow right into your MyWorld page in Flock, so you never miss out on updates to your favorite media streams. We’ll go into this great new capability in depth in a later blog post.

For the first time, we are also making themes available for Flock 2. Check out extensions.flock.com and install a theme to customize the look of Flock. We’re shipping today with two new themes, and will be adding many more over the coming weeks and months.

If you’re already a Flock user – thank you! And, get ready for the best version of Flock ever! If you are new to Flock, give Flock 2.0 a test drive and discover what users from 165 countries and territories all around the world already know – with Flock you will rock the web! With the latest Firefox 3 architecture under the hood, you’ve now got the latest technology with the most innovative features available in any browser today. If you’ve been using the 2.0 beta, we highly recommend you upgrade…there’s a lot in this release that you haven’t seen yet.

Check it out and let us know what you think. Your feedback has been essential in developing Flock 2, and we have been growing with the strong global support of satisfied Flockstars everywhere who have been telling their friends: “get ready to meet your new favorite browser”.

Download: http://www.flock.com/download

Dopuna: 27 Nov 2008 22:00

Flock 2.0.2

* Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.4 patch for Firefox.
* TinyPic has been integrated as a Media Sharing service.

Download: http://www.flock.com/

  • mr.ph.
  • Pridružio: 12 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 202

izasao je i Flock 2.0.3
New Flock Updates in 2.0.3

* Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.5 patch for Firefox.
* Updated Flash version
* Removal of Pownce and Piczo services
* Cooliris extension blocked due to crashing issues
* Fix to prevent AOL auto-logout
* Fix to prevent a local favorite, when publishing a bookmark online only
* Fix for Digg login detection
* Fix for Gmail webmail flyout
* Fix for YouTube private message notification
* Fix for Yahoo Mail login detection

Dopuna: 15 Mar 2009 17:40

Download: http://www.flock.com/

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

Napisano: 06 Jan 2010 21:58

Flock 2.5.6

# New Features

* Based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
* Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.16 patch for Firefox.
* Incorporated the latest Adobe Flash Player version.

Download: http://www.flock.com/

Dopuna: 16 Jun 2010 17:25

Flock 2.6.0

* New Features
- Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.19 patch for Firefox.

* Fixed Issues
- Fixed the Delicious login detection issue.

Download: http://www.flock.com/

Dopuna: 01 Jul 2010 14:52

Flock 2.6.1

Fixed Issues

* Fixed the Delicious login detection issue.

Download: http://www.flock.com/

  • Pridružio: 16 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 269
  • Gde živiš: Šabac

E pa, došao je kraj ovom nekada odličnom browseru (dok nisu doneli glupu ideju da naprave "socijalni" browser namenjen isključivo za fejs, twiter i sl, što ih je uništilo na kraju). Upravo sam, kao njihov registrovan korisnik, dobio email, čiju sadržinu prenosim:

Flock Official End of Support Notice

Support for Flock browsers will be discontinued as of April 26th, 2011. We would like to thank our loyal users around the world for their support, and we encourage the Flock community to migrate in the coming weeks to one of the recommended web browsers listed below.
Our Recommendations
Since no further security updates will be provided to keep you safe on the web, we encourage all Flock users to upgrade to either Chrome or Firefox. Both are based on the same reliable technologies as Flock, and both are being actively maintained and improved. Also, each of these browsers has a broad selection of add-ons and extensions to customize and extend their capabilities.

For more information (including notes on how to migrate to other browsers), please see our FAQ.


The Flock Team

You signed up as a user of the Flock 3 service. You are being sent a notification because the service is shutting down.

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Our mailing address is:

Flock, Inc.
604 Mission Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94105

Copyright (C) 2011 Flock Inc All rights reserved.

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