Izasao je novi broj BSD Magazina koji je se od ovog izdanja moze besplatno preuzimati sa servera. Evo i sadrzaja:
A first look at PC-BSD 8 release
With the release of FreeBSD 8.0 it’s only a matter of time before we can expect the next version of PC-BSD. At the time of writing plenty of work was being done to prepare PC-BSD 8.0.
- Jan Stedehouder
Installing and securing an Apache Jail with SSL on FreeBSD
The Apache HTTP server developed by the Apache Software Foundation 1 is the most popular webserver software in use today installed at over 100 Million 2 sites worldwide.
- Rob Somerville
The gemstones for FreeBSD
Building web applications has become so popular that you can’t imagine Internet as a static system any more.
- Marko Milenovic
OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD as file sharing servers – Part 1 – NFS
How to share files between multiple operation systems and keep your data safe.
- Petr Topiarz
IPsec VPNs An Introduction to IKE and IPsec
This article concerns itself with IPsec and IKE, the protocols used to build IPsec based VPNs (hereafter referred to simply as a VPN).
- Paul McMath
Keeping your information synced across multiple systems can be a pain. While there are many ways to ensure consistency in your media and documents (rsync and scp work wonders in this area), there are not too many options for maintaining your address book.
- Eric Vintimilla
Secure and stable mailservers with OpenBSD and qmail
Secure and stable email servers are important for everyone who is using email. Most of the communication in companies is done by sending and receiving emails. So, reliable email systems are very important for each Internet company.
- Matthias Pfeifer
Developing Secure Storages: Now On FreeBSD
Developers of server-side, desktop and mobile applications working with FreeBSD now get access to Solid File System – a well-known component designed by EldoS Corporation. FreeBSD-developers have an ability to store documents and files in a highly secure robust and flexible file system with no run-time fees. Clean room implementation allows royalty-free business applications.
- Theodore Tereshchenko, EldoS Corp.
Web Server Benchmarking
I cannot lie; I had an extremely difficult time determining what to write about for this issue of the magazine.
- Mikel King
OpenSSH: common but underappreciated
- Machtelt Garrels
Interview with Olivier Cochard-Labbé, Founder of FreeNAS
The FreeNAS project (http://freenas.org/freenas), founded by Olivier Cochard-Labbé in 2005, is an open source network attached storage distribution. The project offers a simple, elegant way for home users and network administrators to host data on a small, stable platform at very low cost.
- Jesse Smith