Poslao: 25 Avg 2009 11:44
trio rio ::izgleda kao sprava za mučenje
ne samo da izgleda, već jeste, opasno po sebe i okolinu. I pri tom šalje poruku "Ne prilazi!" Ovo mora da je smislio neki kreator mizogin.
Jedan moj drug inače smatra da tzv. visoku modu stvaraju muškarci koji mrze žene (a vole ... domislite sami).
Poslao: 25 Avg 2009 12:43
Sto izgleda kao sprava za mucenje?
xD ovi "ofingeri" su bas divni lol.
Salu na stranu moda je to ljudi
Mislim ne svidja mi se pomalo izgled i still, ali sam siguran da cete ih videti na nekoj zvezdi.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2010 20:06
Citat:AMSTERDAM.- The Rijksmuseum has received an exceptional donation of Dutch jewellery. In celebration of the conferral of her doctorate, art historian and publicist Marjan Unger donated to the Rijksmuseum nearly 500 pieces of Dutch jewellery which she had personally collected over the last few decades. The collection, which covers the period 1905-2008, with a focus on the years 1930-1970, fits in perfectly with the Rijksmuseum’s existing collection. Thanks to the donation, when the Rijksmuseum reopens in 2013 following the renovations, it will boast the only Dutch jewellery collection offering an overview from the 8th century to today. Internationally, Dutch jewellery is known for its distinctive appearance and high quality.
Poslao: 04 Maj 2011 19:15
Što je slatka! A je l' ima i neka pozadinska priča, znaš da ja mnogo volim da čitam priče i da davim druge svojim pričama. (Manija blebetanja, što bi rekao Peconije )