ATI launches X850, X800-XL graphics processors

ATI launches X850, X800-XL graphics processors

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

ATI launches X850, X800-XL graphics processors

Markham (ON) - ATI today added the X850 series of graphics processors as a new high-end version for its desktop product line. The X800-XL takes the X800 family to an entry level price point.

ATI stepped up once again the performance for performance graphics with its new X850 series of graphics processors. The family includes the models X850 XT Platinum Edition on the high end as well as the X850 XT and the X850 Pro, which marks the entry point into ATI's highest performing class of desktop graphics product line.

The new chips share their architecture with the X800 family but feature a higher clock speed. The 16-pixel pipe X850 XT PE includes a 540 MHz core and 590 MHz memory. The core of the X850 XT is clocked at 520 MHz, with memory checking in at 540 MHz. The X850 Pro runs at the same clock speed as the X850 XT, but integrates only twelve pixel pipes.

Pricing of the PCI Express-only cards are $400 for Pro versions, $500 for XT cards and $550 for XT PE's.

As the other members of the X800 series, the X850 versions are also include more than 160 million transistors and up to 256 MByte of 256-bit GDDR3 memory.

On the lower end, ATI extended its X800 family by adding the "XL" model which will be available in graphics cards for about $350. Basic X800 cards are currently priced at $250.

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