Poslao: 12 Okt 2005 18:03
- NuLLCoDe
- Legendarni građanin
- Đuro Glumac
- dipl. ing. informatike
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2004
- Poruke: 3640
- Gde živiš: ApAtIn
Probaj iz nekog drugog browsera. Moguce je da Opera blokira stranicu. I meni javlja da su blokirani neki pop-upovi, ali ucita stranicu.
Poslao: 12 Okt 2005 22:45
- Solar
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2005
- Poruke: 21
- Gde živiš: Silent Galaxy
Meni Opera ucita obe stranice, tako da nije ni do browsera...
Ali nisam zato tu;
napisao si ne mogu zajedno,i to dva puta...
Poslao: 12 Okt 2005 23:07
- Pridružio: 07 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 865
- Gde živiš: my city, preko puta tri kaputa
da se nisi "banovo", to je moderno ovih dana :-P ?
just kidding....
Poslao: 12 Okt 2005 23:08
- Balkanac82
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Dec 2004
- Poruke: 2887
- Gde živiš: Na Balkanu
Od u offtopic, napravio je grešku ali nije ovo forum Književnost, svi smo razumeli.
Evo ispravio sam.
Poslao: 13 Okt 2005 17:42
- Gad
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 932
nemoze ni iz opere ni mozile ni IE...
evo sta mi pise:
Could not connect to remote server
You tried to access the address http://www.phpbbforfree.biz/forums/index.php?mforum=republikasrpska, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
Make sure your Internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.
Check that the setup of any Internet security software is correct and does not interfere with ordinary Web browsing.
If you are behind a firewall on a Local Area Network and think this may be causing problems, talk to your systems administrator.
Try pressing the F12 key on your keyboard and disabling proxy servers, unless you know that you are required to use a proxy to connect to the Internet. Reload the page.
Poslao: 13 Okt 2005 17:46
- NuLLCoDe
- Legendarni građanin
- Đuro Glumac
- dipl. ing. informatike
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2004
- Poruke: 3640
- Gde živiš: ApAtIn
Pa probaj da iskljucis proxy server, da se konektujes direktno.