U pokusaju da nadjem vise informacija nasao sam ovo
"Ono sto cini ovaj uredjaj izuzetnim je sledece:
Pre svega to je 802.11 radio uredjaj, sa mogucnoscu rada u AP, WDS, AD-HOC i standard Client modu, sa izlaznom snagom
radia do cak fantasticnih 250mW.
One je i klasican DSL Firewall router
Pored toga WRT54G je i 4-voro portni 10/100 switch.
Osim standardnog kvaliteta karakteristicnog za Linksys jedan od najzanimljivijih detalja vezanih za ovaj uredjaj je njegova OS
platforma zasnovana na Linux kernelu. Iz cinjenice da je source firmwarea ovog uredjaja slobodno dostupan proizaslo je dosta
kvalitetnih firmwareova nezavisnih programerskih grupa koje su ovaj uredjaj ucinile jednim od najkvalitetnijih i najpopularnijih na
trzistu. Pored varijante da ne njemu podignete empty linux platformu na kojoj mozete prakticno dodati samo vama potrebne
pakete i uciniti ovaj uredjaj prakticno vasim embedded solution (vidi openwrt.org ) na raspolaganju su vam i nekoliko
gotovih firmwareova sa neverovatnim mogucnostima nedostupnim cak i na visestruko skupljim enterprise uredjajima.
Ovde cemo vam predstaviti jedno od takvih resenja, firmware Alchemy firme sveasoft sveasoft.com , u sledecem
je data specifikacija mogucnosti ovog firmwarea u odnosu na default Linksys-ov.
The release adds the following features to stock Linksys V2.04.4 firmware:
Feature Additions
Compatible with both G and GS models
Linksys "AfterBurner" drivers with DMA
Default gateway for LAN ports
Support for additional DDNS providers
Mac Address Clone
Clone MAC address for wireless device & WAN/Internet device
Advanced Routing
OSPF Routing
- stock RIP routing also supported
Power mode selection
Antenna selection
Client mode (Ethernet bridging)
Adhoc mode
WDS peer-to-peer networking (10 links, multiple options)
Auto channel select option
AP Isolation option
AP Watchdog timer option
Applications & Gaming
Modified to forward to any IP address
Four-level QoS/Bandwidth Management
- select on MAC, IP, port, or services
- service packet inspection will track P2P, IM, etc. regardless of ports
- unlimited number of managed MAC's, IP addresses, ports, and services
- add/edit your own services and ports
Access Restrictions
Block P2P, IM, and other services
- service tracking will follow applications regardless of ports used
Bandwidth Management
Boot Wait
DHCP with static MAC->IP assignments
DNS Masq
Firewall control
Loopback option
NTP Client
PPTP VPN server
Resetbutton daemon
SSHD with public key or password login
Shorewall firewall
Syslog with remote logging
Command Shell replaces ping and traceroute
Linux shell scripts rc_startup and rc_shutdown settable from the web
Wireless signal strengths for clients, AP's, WDS links
Wireless Survey of nearby access points, power, etc.
Internal Modifications
BPAlogin fixes
Static DHCP leases
Added approximately 20 iptables filters
- include P2P, connection tracking
Added Quality of Service (for bandwidth mgmt)
Rewrote networking code for better stability
Added wireless connections daemon for client mode and WDS
Upgraded PPPD to 2.4.2
Added PPTP client and server
Various bug fixes to Linksys codebase
Latest Busybox
ADM6996 /proc interface
Replaced buggy Linksys PPPoE
New in Alchemy-pre5.2.3
VLAN and bridging support
- up to 16 vlan's supported on the 5 hardware ports
Remote monitoring and statistics (SNMP and remote Ntop)
Captive Portal
IPSEC (compile time option)
Client support
- support multiple attached hardware devices
- PPPoE, PPTP, Static, DHCP, or Heartbeat wireless client connection to other AP's
Multi-level QoS downlink support improvements
- support IMQ pseudo device for ingress policing
- SPI on all incoming data
- supports 4-level QoS for both Uplink and Downlink
- optimize HTB quantum for optimim rate policing
Port Triggering"
Dali je neko probao ovaj uredjaj?