Danny Trejo,Roberto De Niro,Jessica Alba,Cheech Marin,Steven Seagal,Lindsey Lohan
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Novi film Roberta Rodrigeza govori o Machete-u (Danny Trejo), bivsem meksickom specijalcu u borbi protiv narkotika koji je radio za narko barona Torrez koga tumaci Steven Seagal a koji je odbacio Machete-a kada mu njegove usluge vise nistu trebale.
Machete u potrazi za osvetom prihvata ponudu i zadatak da ubije ne toliko "cistog" senatora koga igra Robert De Niro koji je opet mozda povezan sa Torezzom...
Ali kao sto to obicno biva sve sto moze da krene naopako krenuce
Director: Robert Rodriguez, Ethan Maniquis
Screenwriter: Robert Rodriguez
Starring: Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Michelle Rodriguez, Lindsay Lohan, Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Don Johnson, Steven Seagal
Plot Summary: "Machete" is based on the "fake" trailer in Robert Rodriguez's 2007 "Grindhouse," featuring Danny Trejo and Jeff Fahey reprising their original roles.
The feature version of the trailer finds Machete (Trejo) a renegade former Mexican Federale, roaming the streets of Texas after a shakedown from drug lord Torrez (Steven Seagal). Reluctantly, Machete takes an offer from spin doctor Benz (Fahey) to assassinate McLaughlin (Robert De Niro) a corrupt Senator. Double crossed and on the run Machete braves the odds with the help of Luz (Michelle Rodriguez), a saucy taco slinger, Padre (Cheech Marin) his "holy" brother, and April (Lindsay Lohan) a socialite with a penchant for guns. All while being tracked by Sartana (Jessica Alba), a sexy ICE agent with a special interest in the blade slinger.
Nesto mi se cini ali nisam siguran da je onaj sto se tukao sa Macheteom kada je pesnicom udario u skelu bio Nicolas Cage barem po faci ali kao sto rekoh nisam siguran...