Halo (2022- )

Halo (2022- )

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1008

Ne mogu da pljunem, ako ne postoji tema... Mr. Green

https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/halo/ ---> zvanična stranica daje "404"

Vidi čovek poster, pogleda reklamne klipove za I i II sezonu i pomisli da dobija pravu stvar. Greška!
Prikazano je 12 epizoda, tokom kojih imamo ukupno 3 akcione scene. Ostatak su suzice u očima i drhtav glas Master Chief-a (" once more, with feeling"), koji plaki, ima noćne more i moralne dileme, guzi, a najmanje od svega ratuje.
Ona druga žrtvovala efikasnost na bojnom polju da bi drnčom ofarbala kosu, onaj treći ni mrtav nazad, samo da bi gledao emisije Dejvida Belamija, ona četvrta prati trend drugara, završila ozbiljno izranjavljena. Tuga.

Ušao woke-čopor, zagadio svojim brabonjcima čitavu stvar:

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1008

Ovaj bradonja koji bubi ćelavog slepog lika se (u seriji) zove - Danilo. Mr. Green


Nije čudo što mi gledanje ove serije izaziva poriv da urlam od muke.


" Executive producer Kiki Wolfkill revealed that the series is a standalone story that takes place within its own "Silver Timeline" that is separate from and inspired by the core canon and lore of the transmedia franchise rather than a continuation, adaptation, prequel, or sequel, explaining that they wished to give the two Halo canons a chance to evolve individually to suit their media...

...The sex scene between Master Chief/John and Makee, another original character created for the Silver Timeline canon, in the eighth episode of the first season has received a polarized reaction from audiences and critics; discussions included whether the scene was "contrived and forced", whether Master Chief commits a war crime by having sex with a prisoner of war who is unable to properly provide her consent, and whether this is atypical behavior of Master Chief in comparison to the core canon (this is the first time John has sex in either the core or Silver canons)".

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1008

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