Cekajuci bilo kakav odgovor na prethodnu temu guglao sam satima i pronasao moguce resenje.Vidim da masa ljudi ima problem sa logovanjem u win zbog ovog BSOD-a c000021a fatal system error
Da ne bih prepricavao,citiracu najinteresantnije delove:
Hello all, and sorry for my poor english,
i had the same problem with a client’s computer, here is the way i resolved that:
client computer has Win xp pro with sp2, it wasn’t bootable even in safe mode.
So i booted with a bartPE cd, and renamed the following files:
csrss.exe –> csrss.exeold
win32k.sys –> win32k.sysold
winlogon.exe –> winlogon.exeold
I took these files from a working computer runing window xp pro sp3 (i didn’t have a sp2 computer with me) and put them back in the bad computer.
That worked perfectly, no idea why…
Hope it will help some people.
Pierre - you are a lifesaver (or, at least, saved my pc and my sanity!) We had made a BartPE disc and could start the PC from it - of course, we could not access any of our files, etc. Using your method to replace those three files: csrss.exe, win32k.sys and winlogon.exe - we found that our winlogon.exe had been changed to winlogon.old WITHOUT any replacing winlogon.exe file! We copied that file over (and the other three - why not?!) and the computer started up perfectly!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Pierre!
After reading numerous descriptions, most of which were impossible to do when you cannot log on, I was getting desperate. I was thinking about replacing the two files specified in an earlier post when I saw what Pierre said about replacing the csrss.exe, and win32k.sys files plus the winlogon.exe file. I removed the hard drive and installed it in a different computer as a secondary drive, then went in to replace the files.
When I was doing the renaming I discovered the winlogon.exe file had already been renamed (!?!?!?!?) to winlogon.old. I have no idea why and perhaps just renaming the file may have corrected the problem, but I continued with renaming the other two and transferring the files from the system I had loaded the drive into (also an XP with SP3).
I reinstalled the drive back to the original PC and brought it up, and everything loaded perfectly! If someone else finds something similar, you may want to try renaming the winlogon.old file back and trying that again (or if you install it on a system with a different OS and don’t have the correct files available).
Ja san laik,ne razumem se preterano pa bih voleo da mi neko razjasni ovaj gore postupak.
Sta je BartPE disk,kako se pravi i sl...???
Ovaj popstupak oko menjanja ova tri fajla-
ako sam dobro shvatio postojeci fajlovi se preimenuju tj. doda im se old u nastavku i sa copy/paste se ubace ta tri fajla iskopirana sa nekog drugog racunara sa xp-om
takodje sam na vise mesta procitao da je resenje i izvaditi pa vratiti bateriju kad je laptop u pitanju
Molio bih IT strucnjake da malo prostudiraju ovo kad budu imali vremena