Bush Taps Hopkins Physicist to Lead NASA
Sat Mar 12,11:28 PM ET
Science - AP
By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - President Bush (news - web sites) picked physicist Michael Griffin to lead NASA (news - web sites) as it prepares to resume space shuttle flights and tries to meet the White House goal of sending astronauts back to the moon in the decade ahead.
If confirmed by the Senate, Griffin would become the space agency's 11th administrator.
Members of Congress on Friday immediately praised the president's choice, as did John Logsdon, director of George Washington University's space policy institute.
"I've known Mike for a long time and have a great deal of respect for him as a kind of innovative thinker, real enthusiast full of energy," Logsdon said.
"His biggest challenge is convincing Congress that the president's vision should be a national vision, that it's the right way for the program to proceed," Logsdon added.
Dopuna: 15 Apr 2005 12:24
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