Potreban prevod kratkog "teksta"

Potreban prevod kratkog "teksta"

  • m4rk0  Male
  • Administrator
  • Administrator tech foruma
  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 15766
  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

Moze li neko ovo da "prevede" na engleski ( naravno mislim na srpske pojmove koje se javljaju u ovom dole quotovanom pasusu) :

Citat:3D Graphic: 3ds max 7 bez tajni ; 3D Studio MAX R3 ; AutoCad 2007 ; Autodesk Viz 2005 ; Catia ; Cinema 4D ;

Asembler: Win32asm

Audio-Video: Adobe Premiere 6.5, Auto Gordian Knot tutorial

Bios: Bios tutorial

C: C programski jezik, C# ; C++ (sa primerima)

CTP: CTP tutorial

Databases: Arhitektura i Administracija Oracle-a , Baze podataka (opste)

Delphi: Delphi 4 za 21 dan, Delphi 5 majstor, Delphi-Pascal-Asm, Delphi za pocetnike

DirectX: DirectX 9 (sa primerima), DirectX by Srki_82, DirectX 8 ,

DOS: Tajne DOS-a ; MS-DOS osnove

Flash: Flash i action script, Flash tutorial

GLScene: GLScene tutorial

Graphic: ; Grafika (opste) ; CorelDraw tutorial; CorelDraw X3 ; Photoshop alatke ; Photoshop CS , GIMP ; PaintShop Pro ; ; QuarkXPress 6 ;

Hacking: Netcat & Cryptcat

HTML i CSS: HTML kurs ; HTML Programiranje ; Css, Dhtml

IRC: IP na ircu ; Irc Manual ; Instalacija EggDrop-a ; Podizanje BNC-a

Internet Course: Internet kurs tutorial

Java: Java programiranje 1 i 2 ; Java (Opste) ; Java Script ; Java za pocetnike ; Java programiranje

Joomla CSM: Joomla CSM tutorial

Kriptografija i enkripcija: Kriptografija tutorial

Linux: Bootovanje Knopix linuxa ; Debian, Linux biblija ; Slack ; Unix ; Linux

Matlab: Matlab prirucnik

Office: Access ; Exell ; Powerpoint ; Word

OpenGL: Kako spremiti kompajler za OpenGL

Ostalo: Bogatstvo Interneta ; DoS napadi ; Windows instalacija ; Zastita podataka na racunaru ; digitalni fotoaparati ; ebanking ; Elektronska Trgovina

Ostalo 2: Istorija racunara ; operativni sistemi ; osnovi informacione tehnologije ; chipsetovi ; Microsoft Project 2003

Pascal: Programiranje u Turbo Pascal -u 7

PHP: PHP 5 ; PHP 4 ; PHP (opste) ; Uvod u PHP i MySQL ; Vodic kroz PHP i MySQL ; PHP by drobeli

Perl: Perl tutorial

Phreaking: Phreak tutorial by airWalk

Programming: Osnove programiranja ; Programiranje igara

Server: Integracija DNS i ADS

SQL: SQL by Degojs ; SQL by Dejan Zivkovic ; SQL by snoop ; SQL new

TCPIP: Api TCP IP Socketi

Uml: Unified Modeling Language

Network: Medjuumrezavanje ; Dizanje servera ; Umrezavanje racunara ; Internet protokol ; Subnetovanje ; Ostale tehnologije bezicnog umrezavanja ; Uvod u Rutiranje ; Osnove Mreznih Komunikacija ; Ethernet tehnologije

Visual Basic: VB i Baze Podataka ; VBNet i VBScript ; Visual Basic vodic za programere

Web Design: Dreamweaver vodic ; DreamweaverMX ; Mala Web Skola ; Uvod u Macromedia Director ; Osnove Authorware-a

Web Aplications: Web aplikacije tutorial

XML: Veliki XML tutorial ; Skola XML -a

Zaštita: Zastita tutorial by sundance - html verzija , pdf verzija ; O Firewall -u

Forum počeo sa radom !

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija

3D Graphic: 3ds max 7 without secrets ; 3D Studio MAX R3 ; AutoCad 2007 ; Autodesk Viz 2005 ; Catia ; Cinema 4D ;

Asembler: Win32asm

Audio-Video: Adobe Premiere 6.5, Auto Gordian Knot tutorial

Bios: Bios tutorial

C: C programming language, C# ; C++ (including examples)

CTP: CTP tutorial

Databases: Oracle Architecture and Administration, Data bases (in general)

Delphi: Delphi 4 in 21 days, Delphi 5 master, Delphi-Pascal-Asm, Delphi for begginners

DirectX: DirectX 9 (including examples), DirectX by Srki_82, DirectX 8 ,

DOS: Secrets of DOS; MS-DOS basics

Flash: Flash and action script, Flash tutorial

GLScene: GLScene tutorial

Graphic: ; Graphics (in general) ; CorelDraw tutorial; CorelDraw X3 ; Photoshop tools; Photoshop CS , GIMP ; PaintShop Pro ; ; QuarkXPress 6 ;

Hacking: Netcat & Cryptcat

HTML i CSS: HTML course; HTML Programming ; Css, Dhtml

IRC: IP in IRC ; IRC Manual ; EggDrop Installation; Uploading of BNC

Internet Course: Internet Course tutorial

Java: Java programming 1 & 2 ; Java (in general) ; Java Script ; Java for begginners; Java programming

Joomla CSM: Joomla CSM tutorial

Cryptography and encrypting: Cryptography tutorial

Linux: Booting of Knopix linuxa ; Debian, Linux Bible ; Slack ; Unix ; Linux

Matlab: Matlab manual

Office: Access ; Exell ; Powerpoint ; Word

OpenGL: How to ready a compiler for OpenGL

The Rest: The Welfare of the Internet; DoS attacks ; Windows instalation ; Computer data protection; digital cameras; e-banking ; electronic trade

The Rest 2: History of computers; Operating systems; The Basics of informational technology; chipsets ; Microsoft Project 2003

Pascal: Programming in Turbo Pascal 7

PHP: PHP 5 ; PHP 4 ; PHP (in general) ; Guide to PHP and MySQL ; Guide through PHP & MySQL ; PHP by drobeli

Perl: Perl tutorial

Phreaking: Phreak tutorial by airWalk

Programming: The basics of programming; Games programming

Server: Integration of DNS i ADS

SQL: SQL by Degojs ; SQL by Dejan Zivkovic ; SQL by snoop ; SQL new

TCPIP: Api TCP IP Sockets

Uml: Unified Modeling Language

Network: Intranet; Setting up the server; Computer networking; Internet protocol ; Subnetting ; Other wireless network technologies; Guide to rooting ; The Basics of Network communications; Ethernet technologies

Visual Basic: VB and Databases ; VBNet and VBScript ; Visual Basic guide for programmers

Web Design: Dreamweaver guide; DreamweaverMX ; A little Web School; Guide to Macromedia Director ; Basics of Authorware

Web Aplications: Web Aplications tutorial

XML: the Big XML tutorial ; School of XML -a

Protection: Protection tutorial by sundance - html version , pdf version ; About Firewall

Forum has started working!

Nadam se da sam pogodio sve tehnicke izraze Wink

  • m4rk0  Male
  • Administrator
  • Administrator tech foruma
  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 15766
  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

To Moskovac, karlju. Hvala ti covece za ovo Smile

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